


Q: 学費はフィリピンペソ以外に米ドルでも支払えますか?
Q: 登録料はいくらですか?
Q: 宿泊施設の水道代と電気代の支払いについて教えてください。
Q: 空港出迎え(ピックアップ)料金は何ペソですか?
Q: 寮の保証金(デポジット)はいくらですか?
Q: SSP(特別研究許可)の料金はいくらですか?特別調査許可についてもっと詳しく知りたいのですが?
Q: ビザ延長料金はいくらですか?料金は毎回同じですか、それとも異なりますか?
Q: 新入生オリエンテーションは日曜ですか、月曜ですか?グレードテスト(レベル分けテスト)は日曜ですか、月曜ですか?
Q: 補講授業はいつ行われますか?
Q: Winningではどのような選択科目(オプションクラス)を取ることができますか?
Q: ジュニア・イングリッシュ・プログラムの最低年齢は何歳ですか?
Q: テスト
Q: When will students have grade test?
Q: The procedure of the last day of semester on Friday
Q: The nationality ratio of students (To be updated at any time)
Q: Procedure of changing teacher? When can students file application every week?
Q: Any foreign teachers? What is the nationality?
Q: Can students stay outside of the dormitory, but only register in the programs?


Q: Can couples or married couples live together?
Q: Is there wifi in accommodation?
Q: Does students have to file application for housekeeping service every week? Or the housekeeping service will be provided at a definate time? Does anyone have to stay in the room while housekeeping?
Q: How often do you change the bedsheets?
Q: Is it bunk bed in the room?
Q: How do you charge the electricity fee?
Q: What amenities are provided in accommodation?
Q: Dormitory 1 - Diplomat Hotel
Q: Dormitory 2 - ABC Hotel
Q: How much is the fee for early check-in and late check-out?


Q: Can new students go out after the arriving weekends? Do they need to apply for it?
Q: Can couple or husband/wife live in the same room? Any certification is required?
Q: Can newly students go out without application if students arrive on weekends?
Q: Can you suggest me some daily necessities?
Q: How long can students get the student ID starting from registration?
Q: When is the available time of laundry service?
Q: Do you provide meals on weekends and holidays? When is the opening hour on weekdays and holidays?
Q: How can the vegetarian students fix their meals?
Q: Classroom quantity
Q: Study Room
Q: Wifi area? Speed?
Q: Is there a pool in the school?
Q: What kind of briefing will be held by the manager on the arrival date on Saturday and Sunday?
Q: The school surroundings and environment
Q: Do you provide any optional classes or school activities?
Q: Do students have to file application if they want to stay outside on holiday?
Q: Does school organize weekend tour?
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